Henley Festival Cookie Policy

We use a mixture of essential and non-essential cookies as part of the booking process in order to ensure you have the best possible experience.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of text that your browser stores on your computer on behalf of a website. Cookies enable a website to identify you and remember your preferences.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies for several purposes:

  • Storing your selections and preferences. For example, we use cookies to keep track of what tickets you have selected and what products you have in your cart.
  • Sign in and authentication. Cookies are also used to identify you when you have logged in. If you have logged in with the "remember me" option selected, a persistent cookie is used to retain your login informaton for your next visit.
  • Analytics. We use first and third-party cookies and other identifiers to gather usage and performance data. For example, to count the number of unique visitors and to collect other statistics about the operation of our website.

Managing cookies

If you wish to withdraw your consent, please clear or disable cookies for this website. If you wish to only block third-party cookies like analytics and social media, you may use your browser settings to do so.

Certain features of this website depend on cookies, and you will not be able to use those features if cookies are disabled. This includes signing in, selecting seats, and adding items to your cart, and purchasing tickets.

We are the UK’s only Black-Tie festival and have a strict 'Black Tie' dress code which applies to each evening.
Age Limit: Wed-Sat 16+yrs - Sun 12+yrs